Unidentified dulcimer in Gressinghall Museum (until 1976 this dulcimer was housed in the Castle Museum, Norwich) |
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Photo descriptions & sources Diss Museum a. Dulcimer front (john Howson) |
b. Dulcimer back (JH) c. Dulcimer front 2 (JH) d. Dulcimer stand (JH) |
e. Dulcimer side (JH) f. Case (JH) g. Beaters (JH) |
Stranger's Hall Museum a. Dulcimer front (john Howson) b. Dulcimer back (JH) |
c. Dulcimer sound holes (JH) d. Dulcimer front edge (JH) e. Dulcimer back edge (JH) |
f. Dulcimer front 2 (JH) g. Beaters (JH)
Gressinghall Museum a. Dulcimer front (john Howson)
b. Dulcimer back (JH) c. Dulcimer side (JH) d. Dulcimer stand (JH) |
e. Dulcimer sound hole (JH) f. Beaters and tuning key (JH)
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