East Anglian Dulcimers   

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Frank Norman Read (1922-2006)





Frank Read  was born on 1st July 1922 and knew Billy Bennington. His daughter, Sandra Adcock has childhood memories of Frank playing, but he sold the dulcimer in order to buy a piano accordion for her.

On Frank’s 40th wedding anniversary (c.1980) the family contacted Dick Joyce from the Anglia Telvision programme 'Bygones' to see if he knew the whereabouts of another dulcimer. He suggested an antique dealer in Wymondham and there they bought another (very fine) dulcimer for him which had been made by renowned Norwich dulcimer maker Mark Widdows.

Billy Bennington used to tune it for him and Sandra recalls going round to Billy’s house and the two of them playing together.

Frank died October 2006


Frank Read's dulcimer (now owned by John Howson)









Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture


Photo descriptions & sources

Main photos: Frank Read  (John Howson)

1. Frank Read (JH)

2. Frank Read (JH)

3. Frank Read with Reg Reader & Tom Knights playing (JH)


a. Frank Read's dulcimer (JH)

b. Frank Read's dulcimer (JH)

c. Frank Read's dulcimer (JH)


d. Frank Read's dulcimer (JH)

e. Frank Read's dulcimer (JH)

f. Frank Read's beaters and tuning key (JH)

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